Updating a competency or skill proficiency (rating)

Resources can request to update the proficiency level of a competency or skill. You can update a competency or skill proficiency on the resource's Talent Profile. You can also view and validate all competencies and skills for all resources that have requested a proficiency update on To Do > Qualification Tasks > Qualification Requests.

  1. Highlight the competency or skill on the resource's Talent Profile tab or by accessing To Do > Qualification Tasks > Qualification Requests.
  2. Click Update Proficiency or Update Skill Proficiency.
  3. Confirm or select the new proficiency level, optionally add a reason code and comments, and click OK.
    • You can update a proficiency, even if the resource has not requested the update.

    • If the resource has requested the update, a yellow flag is displayed on the resource's Competencies and Skills list, next to the rating level for the competency or skill. You can select the Cancel Request To Update Competency Proficiency or Cancel Request To Update Skill Proficiency action to cancel the resource's request. When you cancel the request or update the proficiency, the yellow flag is removed.

      If the resource requested the proficiency update, you can also cancel the proficiency request or update the proficiency in the To Do > Qualification Tasks > Qualification Requests menu.