Adding dependent information for a resource

Resources can add their own dependents in Employee Space. An administrator or HR generalist can also create or update a dependent for a resource.

  1. Select Administrator > Resources > Resources.
  2. Open the resource for which to add a dependent.
  3. Click the Personal Information tab.
  4. In the Dependents And Beneficiaries section, click Create.
  5. Specify the effective date. This is the date on which the record becomes effective.
  6. On the Main tab, specify this information
    The dependent's form of address or title. For example, Sir.
    First Name
    The dependent's first name.
    Middle Name
    The dependent's middle name.
    Last Name
    The dependent's last name.
    The dependent's family name's suffix. For example, Junior.
    Professional Designation
    The dependent's professional designation. For example, Doctor.
    Preferred First Name
    The dependent's preferred first name.
    Preferred Last Name
    The dependent's preferred last name.
    If a dependent is not specified by name, specify the dependent record, such as a trust.
    This field is selected by default. Clear this field to make the dependent inactive.
    Specify the dependent's relationship to the resource. For example, son. Users define dependent relationships on Administrator > Set Up > Resource Components and can have a type of either Spouse or Dependent.
    Birthdate, Age
    If specified, the system calculates the age of the dependent.
    Note: The birthdate cannot be a future date.
    Adoption Date
    If the dependent is adopted, specify the adoption date. It cannot be earlier than the birth date.
    Placement Date
    If the dependent is adopted, specify the date on which the dependent started living in the home.
    Note: The date cannot be earlier than birthdate.
    Select the dependent's gender. If the selected Relationship has a gender defined, then that gender is used as the dependent's gender.
    Select whether the dependent is a smoker.
    Select the dependent's student's status.
    Select whether the dependent is disabled.
    Select whether the resource must give consent for the dependent to receive benefits.
    Deceased, Date of Death
    Select if the dependent is deceased. If the dependent is deceased, specify the date of death.
  7. On the Contact Information tab, specify this information:
    Home Phone
    Optionally, specify the country code, the full phone number, and the extension.
    Work Phone
    Optionally, specify the country code, the full phone number, and the extension.
    In the Which Address field, select Mailing Address, Residence Address, or Other Address.

    If you select Mailing Address or Residence Address, the resource's mailing or residence address is used as the dependent's address.

    If you select Other Address, specify the address. Specify the Country field if the address in a different country from the resource's country.

  8. Click Save.
    The Identification Numbers tab is displayed.
  9. Optionally, specify dependent identification information.
    1. On the Identification Numbers tab, click Create.
    2. Specify this information:
      Effective Date
      Specify the effective date for the identification number record.
      Select the country for which the dependent identification number is provided. If left blank, the dependent's country is used as the default, based on the dependent's address.
      Identification Number
      If the identification document is not a pending document, specify the identification number. Leave this field blank if you select the Pending check box.
      Expiration Date
      Optionally, specify the identification document's expiration date.
      If the document is pending, select this check box and leave the Identification Number field blank.
    3. Click Save.