Creating or updating a resource's personal information
Use this information to track identification numbers, alternate identification numbers, travel documents, and company property loaned to resource.
- Select Administrator > Resources > Resources.
- Open the resource to update.
On the At A Glance tab, update
the applicable fields, and click Save.
Depending on your configuration, some fields may not be displayed.
- Consent For Data Privacy
Indicate whether the resource is required to sign a consent for data privacy.
- Opt Out Of Working Time
Indicate if the resource chooses to work more than the maximum number of legally set working hours.
- Works Council Begin Date
If applicable to your organization, specify the Works Council begin date.
- Works Council End Date
If applicable to your organization, specify the Works Council end date.
- Works Council Role
If applicable to your organization, specify the Works Council role.
- Gender
Select the resource's gender.
- Ethnicity
Select the resource's ethnicity. If a suitable option is not available, see Creating resource-component ethnicity options.
- Religion
Specify the resource's religion.
- Marital Status
Select the resource's marital status.
- Birthdate
Specify the resource's birth date.
- Birth City
Specify the resource's birth city.
- Birth Country
Specify the resource's birth country.
- Aboriginal
If applicable to your organization, specify if the resource is Aboriginal.
- Visible Minorities
If applicable to your organization, specify if the resource is a visible minority.
- Disability
Specify whether the resource has a disability.
- Disability Type
If the resource has a disability, select the disability type.
- Veteran Type
Specify the resource's veteran type.
- Military Reserve
Specify the resource's military reserve status.
- Nationality
Specify the resource's nationality. This field is configurable by country.
- Nationality Country
Specify the resource's country of nationality. This field is configurable by country.
- Military Status
If applicable, select the resource's military status.
- Gender Identity
If relevant to your organization, select the resource's gender identity.
- Gender Pronouns
If relevant to your organization, select the resource's gender pronouns.
- Sexual Orientation
If relevant to your organization, select the resource's sexual orientation.
Click the Personal
Information tab. To add a property that is being loaned to the resource (for
example, a laptop), click Create in the
Property section, and specify this information, and click Save:
- Effective Date
Required. Specify the effective date
- Property Type
Select the property type. For example, laptop.
- Description
Specify a description of the property. For example, IBM T60.
- Owned By Resource
Select this check box if the property is owned by the resource even though it is used for work.
- Asset ID
Specify the asset ID, which could be an organization-defined ID or the asset's serial number.
- Component
Specify the number of components included in the asset.
- Value
Specify the asset's estimated value and the currency in which the value is expressed.
- Date Issued
Required. Specify the date on which the property was issued to the resource.
- Anticipated Return Date
If applicable, specify the date on which the property will be returned.
- Date Returned
If applicable, specify the date on which the property was returned.
- Comments
Specify any additional comments.
To update a property, select the Property line that displays the property, change the information, and click Save.
To delete a property, select the Property line that displays the property, click Delete, and click Yes to confirm.
To add a travel document, click Create in the Travel Documents section, specify this information, and click
- Effective Date
Required. Specify the effective date of the travel document.
- Travel Document Type
Required. Select the travel document type, for example, passport or visa.
- Document number
Specify the document number.
- Country
Select the country for which the document is valid.
- Display Both Hijri and Gregorian Calendar
If the resource's country is Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, or Qatar, select the check box to display both calendar options.
- Issue Date
Specify the date on which the document was issued.
- Expiration Date
Specify the document's expiration date.
- Send Notification
Specify the number of days prior to the expiration of travel document that the notification is emailed.
- Issue Location
Specify the location where the document was issued.
- Issued By
Specify the name of the person or authority that issued the document.
- Application Date
If the document is still in the application stage, specify the date for which the document was applied.
- Application Status
If the document is still in the application stage, select the application status.
- Comment
Specify any relevant comments.
To update a travel document, click the Travel Documents line that displays the document, change the information, and click Save.
To delete a travel document, click the Travel Documents line that displays the document, click Delete, and click Yes to confirm.
To add an identification number, click Create in the Identification Numbers section, specify this information, and
click Save:
- Effective Date
Required. Specify the effective date
- Country
Select the country for which the identification number is valid.
- Identification Number
Specify the identification number.
- Identification Number Display
Upon saving, this display field shows the Identification Number you specified in its correct format for the Country you selected.
- Display Both Hijri and Gregorian Calendar
If the resource's country is Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, or Qatar, select the check box to display both calendar options.
- Expiration Date
If the identification number is for a document that has an expiration date, specify the expiration date.
- Send Notification
Specify the number of days prior to the expiration of identification number that the notification is emailed.
- Pending
If the identification number is for a pending document, select this check box.
- Document
To attach a document, click the Browse button, and then click Select. Browse to the electronic copy of the document, then click Open, and then click OK.
To update an identification number, click the Identification Numbers line that displays the number, change the number and click Save.
To delete an identification number, click the Identification Numbers line that displays the property, click Delete, and click Yes to confirm.
To add an identification type (driver's license, ID card, or other)
access the Identification Type section, and specify the information directly on the panel,
and click Save.
- Type
Select Driver's License, ID card, or Other.
- Issuing Authority
Specify the name of the authority issuing the identification.
- Document Number
Specify the driver's license, state ID or other document identification number.
- State
Specify the issuing state.
- Class
For a driver's license, specify the vehicle class for which the license is valid.
- Issue Date
Specify the date on which the document was issued.
- Expiration Date
If the alternate identification number is for a document that has an expiration date, specify the expiration date.
- Send Notification
Specify the number of days prior to the expiration of alternate identification number that the notification is sent.
- Expiration Date
Select the expiration date.
To add an alternate identification number, click Create in the Alternate Identification Numbers section,
specify this information, and click Save:
- Effective Date
Required. Specify the effective date
- Country
Required. Select the country for which the identification number is valid.
- Alternate Identification Number
Required. Specify the alternate identification number.
- Alternate Identification Number Type
Required. Select the alternate identification number type.
- Display Both Hijri and Gregorian Calendar
If the resource's country is Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, or Qatar, select the check box to display both calendar options.
- Active
Select this check box to make the alternate identification number active. The alternate identification number is active by default. Clear the check box to inactivate it.
To update an alternate identification number, click the Alternate Identification Numbers line that displays the number, change the information, and click Save.
To delete an alternate identification number, click the Alternate Identification Numbers line that displays the number, click Delete, and click Yes to confirm.
To add bank account information for the resource, click Create in the Bank Details section, specify this
information, and click Save:
- Effective Date
Required. Specify the effective date
- Bank Identifier
Required. Specify the bank's identifier, for example, the Receiving DFI (US) or the Sort Code (UK). This code can contain any characters or spaces requires by your payroll system.
- Account Number
Required. Specify the account number (BBAN) for the resource's account at the financial institution. This number can contain any characters or spaces that are required by your payroll system.
- Flat Amount
Specify the amount to be deposited into this account. You can specify either an amount in this field or a percentage in the Percent field, but not both.
- Currency
Select the currency for the Flat Amount.
- Percent
Specify the percentage to be deposited into this account. You can specify either a percentage in this field or an amount in the Flat Amount field, but not both.
- Country
Select the country in which the bank is located. This field defaults to the resource's home country.
- International Bank Account Number
Specify the international bank account number for the resource's account at the financial institution. This is an expanded version of the account number (BBAN) and is used internationally to identify the resource's account at the financial institution. There are electronic and paper formats, and they include the country code, a check digit, and the BBAN.
- Bank Name
Specify the name of the bank.
- Roll Number
Specify the roll number for the account. The roll number is used for accounts in building societies.
- Payable To Reference
Specify the name on the resource's account, which may not be the same as the resource's name.
To update bank details, select the Bank Details line that displays the property, change the information, and click Save.
To delete bank details, select the Bank Details line that displays the property, click Delete, and click Yes to confirm.
To attach a document to a resource, click Create in the Attachments section.
If the resource was added through Talent Acquisition and attachments (such as resume/cv and hiring paperwork) existed on the job application, the attachments are displayed in this section.
- Select the attachment type. You can attach documents that are relevant to resource's qualifications, such as skills, competencies, credentials, education, and experience.
- Select the document to attach.
- Optionally, specify the qualification for which you are attaching the document.
- Click Save.
- You can validate the attachment after it is saved. To validate the attachment, open it, select the Validated check box, specify the validation date, and click Save.
To add a work restriction for the resource, in the Work Restrictions
section, click Actions > Create, and specify this information, and then click Save:
- Effective Date
Select the date on which the work restriction becomes effective.
- Work Restriction
Select the appropriate work restriction. Work restrictions are defined under Set Up > Resource Components > Personal Information.
- Notes
Describe the work restriction in detail.
To add a reasonable accommodation for the resource, in the Reasonable
Accommodations section, click Actions > Create, specify this information, and then click Save:
- Effective Date
Select the date on which the work restriction becomes effective.
- Reasonable Accommodation
Select the appropriate reasonable accommodation. Reasonable accommodations are created at Set Up > Resource Components > Personal Information.
- Notes
Describe the reasonable accommodation.