Maintaining resources with mass actions
After you import the .csv file of transactions, you must validate and submit the mass action to complete the process.
- Sign in as Administrator and select Utilities > Mass Actions.
- Select Work Assignment or Employee and then select the mass action.
Correct any errors that are displayed on the Validation Errors and Work Unit Error
If you uploaded the .csv file using the file channel or the processing group, and the import is successful, then it is displayed on the Pending Submission tab. To access this tab, select Utilities > Mass Actions > Work Assignment for Work Assignment Mass Actions. Select Utilities > Mass Actions > Employee for Employee Mass Actions. Select the mass action and select the Pending Submission tab.If the import was successful but it contains errors, then it is displayed on the Validation Errors or Work Unit Error tab on the same page. The record cannot move to the Pending Submission tab until all errors are corrected.To correct validation errors, select a record listed on the Validation Errors tab and click Validate Individual Record. Open the record and update the fields that have errors.To view work unit errors, click the Work Unit link of records that are listed on the Work Unit Error tab.After you resolve the errors, the record is displayed on the Pending Submission tab.
Submit pending records for approval:
- Click thePending Submission tab.
- Select the record.
Click Submit Individual Record For
The work assignment manager must manually approve the record on the Submitted tab.
Note: If the Approve Immediately check box is selected for the processing group, then the submission for approval of the record is not required. The record is displayed on the Completed tab. -
Manually approve the records that are submitted for approval:
- On the Submitted tab, click the Work Unit link listed on the record to approve.
- In the work unit, select the User Actions tab.
- Open the user action and select the Routing tab.
- Select the task and click Approve.
The record is moved to the Completed tab. All Work Assignment Mass Action changes are displayed on the Work Assignments tab of the employee profile. All Employee Mass Action changes are displayed on the At A Glance and Dates & Service tabs of the resource's profile.