Creating alternate identification number types

Most countries have a primary form of identification that employers use to ascertain an employee's identity and for the purpose of setting up payroll and benefits for the resource. An organization may want to store other identification numbers, to be used in addition to or in place of the primary identification number. For example, for foreign nationals, an organization would want to store their passport number and work authorization number. For non-employee resources such as contractors who are not paid directly by the organization, an alternate identification number such as a driver's license or other form of photo identification might be sufficient for the records.

Alternate identification numbers are specified in the Alternate Identification Numbers region of the resource's personal information.


Alternate identification number types are usually country-specific.

  1. Select Administrator > Set Up > Resource Components > Personal Information > Alternate Identification Number Types.
  2. Click Create, and specify this information:
    Effective Date

    Required. Specify an effective date.

    ID Number Type

    Required. Specify the alternate ID number type. For example, for New Zealand, INLANDNB (Inland Revenue Number) or HEALTH (National Health Number).


    Specify a description for the alternate ID number type. If left blank, the alternate ID number type name defaults.


    Select this check box to make the alternate ID number type active. The alternate ID number type is active by default. Clear the check box to inactivate it.

  3. Click Save.