Pay rate defaulting order
Alternate rates
If an alternate rate is defined for the employee, that rate is used instead of the work assignment pay rate.
Employee Other Pay Rate’s Category should be set to Alternate Rate. Use this criteria for alternate rate:
Date range includes time record date
Position, org unit, and location is either not entered or entered and match the time record values (which populate from work assignment)
Pay Code is either not entered or matches the one on the time record
Note:We recommend that you define a pay code on the alternate rate record or the alternate rate is used to override all pay codes.
You can also assign the alternate rate to a pay class that is comprised of multiple pay codes.
Currency matches the one on the time record (which populates from work assignment)
When a time record is created, the alternate rate is used if criteria is met (currency, pay code, time record date, etc.)
Pay Rate re-populates upon any update on the time record (pay code changes, date changes, blank out pay rate, etc.)
The alternate rate field also displays the value to indicate an alternate rate was used
Work assignment pay rate
If no alternate rate is defined or the criteria is not met, the pay rate is populated from the work assignment as of the time record date
Pay Rate re-populates upon any update on the time record (pay code changes, date changes, blank out pay rate, etc.)
Add-on rates
If there are add-on rates defined for the employee, they are added to the work assignment pay rate
Employee Other Pay Rate’s Category should be set to Add On Rate or Add On Percent Of pay Rate. Use this criteria for other pay rate:
Date range includes time record date
Position, org unit, and location are either not specified or are specified and match the time record values (which populate from work assignment)
Pay Code is either not specified or matches the one on the time record
Note:We recommend that you define a pay code on the add on rate record or the add on rate is used to override all pay codes.
You can also assign the add-on rate to a pay class that is comprised of multiple pay codes.
Currency is either not specified or matches the one on the time record (which populates from work assignment)
Include in Total Pay Rate must be selected
When a time record is created, the add-on rate is added to the work assignment pay rate if criteria is met (currency, pay code, time record date, etc.).
Pay Rate re-populates upon any update on the time record (pay code changes, date changes, blank out pay rate, etc.).
The add-on rate field also shows the value to indicate an add-on rate was used.