Searching the report catalog

You can use one or more search parameters simultaneously. If the search parameters are blank, then all the reports are displayed.

Basic search

This list shows the search parameters for the simple search:

Basic search options Descriptions
Name Specify text to find report names that contain specified words.. For example, specify tax to find tax-related reports and all reports that have tax in the name. The Name field is applied to the tab that you are currently on.
Categories Select the category and subcategory check boxes to search for specific report types. You can select one or more categories and subcategories.
Only My Reports Enable the option to view only the reports that were created by you.
Favorites Enable the option to view only the reports that you have marked as favorites.

Advanced search

Scroll to the end of the search parameters section to find the advanced search. When you use the advanced search, the result is narrowed to those that include matches to any of these fields: Report Name, Category, Subcategory, Business Class, Sharing, and Owner. The fields are applied to the tab that you are currently on.

This list shows the search parameters for the advanced search:

Advanced search options Descriptions
Business Class Find reports using words or partial words in a business class. For example, specify purchase to find reports from business classes that contain that word or words.
Sharing Sharing refers to who the report is shared with. The availability of reports depends on the settings that are applied in the enablement and when you create a new report. For example, private or public.
Owner Use this field to find reports that are owned by a specific user. Specify a user name in this field..
Organization Reports Enable the option to view only the reports in your organization.

If a report is not displayed in the Report Catalog, verify that you have access to the report.