Required fields by pay code type
These are the required fields by pay code type:
Pay Code Type | Required Fields |
Do Not Calculate | Hours, Rate, and Amount |
Normal Rate | Hours, Rate, and Amount |
Calculate Gratuity | Rate and Amount |
Hours Only | No Amount or Rate, Hours Only |
Percent Rate | Hours, Rate, and Amount |
Percent of Current Earnings | Hours, Rate, and Amount |
Additional Flat Rate | Rate and Amount |
Rate Times Units | Units, Hours (hours required if Pay Code is flagged to Allow Hours with Units) |
Rate Shift Differential | Hours, Rate, and Amount |
Percent Shift Differential | Hours, Rate, and Amount |
Percent with Rate Shift Differential | Hours, Rate, and Amount |
Percent with Percent Shift Differential | Hours, Rate, and Amount |
Non Cash Income | Rate and Amount |
Weighted Average | Rate and Amount |
Custom Calculation | Follows rules of the custom calculation |
Garnishment Deduction | Deduction Code, Case Number, and Amount |
For more information, see Pay Codes in the HR Talent Setup and Administration Guide.