Required fields by pay code type

These are the required fields by pay code type:

Pay Code Type Required Fields
Do Not Calculate Hours, Rate, and Amount
Normal Rate Hours, Rate, and Amount
Calculate Gratuity Rate and Amount
Hours Only No Amount or Rate, Hours Only
Percent Rate Hours, Rate, and Amount
Percent of Current Earnings Hours, Rate, and Amount
Additional Flat Rate Rate and Amount
Rate Times Units Units, Hours (hours required if Pay Code is flagged to Allow Hours with Units)
Rate Shift Differential Hours, Rate, and Amount
Percent Shift Differential Hours, Rate, and Amount
Percent with Rate Shift Differential Hours, Rate, and Amount
Percent with Percent Shift Differential Hours, Rate, and Amount
Non Cash Income Rate and Amount
Weighted Average Rate and Amount
Custom Calculation Follows rules of the custom calculation
Garnishment Deduction Deduction Code, Case Number, and Amount

For more information, see Pay Codes in the HR Talent Setup and Administration Guide.