Shift tables
Shift tables can have a calculation option of rate or percent of salary range. Shift tables with a calculation option of rate are based on an hourly pay rate. Shift tables with a calculation option of percent of salary range are based on a salary range point of minimum, maximum, or compa ratio zone. The minimum, maximum, and compa ratio zone are defined by an employee's compensation or override salary structure on a time record. The defined percentage is multiplied by the salary range point to determine the calculated value.
Shift tables can be set up according to specific eligibility groups. These
eligibility groups are based on the employee time record business class with
in the subject. If multiple eligibility groups
are used, the first group for which an employee is eligible determines the shift rate.
Multiple records can be used for a given shift, as long as the eligibility groups are
unique. Use shift tables to create shifts for unique combinations of eligibility groups
with rates or percentages and salary range points. A shift table can be used for up to
nine shifts. The additional hourly amounts per shift can be calculated through the time
Shift tables are attached to pay codes with these calculation types:
- Rate shift differential
- Percent shift differential
- Percent with rate shift differential
- Percent with percent shift differential
Shift tables can be assigned to multiple pay codes.