Configuring print payments

Before you can configure print payments, you must load the delivered content at Administrator > Utilities > Delivered Content > User Template Delivered Content, search for PaymentOutput_Employee, and load the template.

  1. Select Payroll Administrator > Setup > Payroll Configuration.
  2. Open the country configuration to print payments for.
  3. On the Payment Output tab, specify this information:
    Company Name
    Specify the name of the company that is associated with the direct deposit company ID.
    Employee Payment Address
    Select the employee address to include in the payment output file that is used for check and receipt printing.
    Check Pay Period Begin Date
    Select an option to determine the date that is populated as the Pay Period Begin date in the Payment Output Check record.
    Earnings Payment Description
    Select an option to determine which description to use for the earnings record payment description:
    • Pay Summary Group Description – Use this option to print the employee's earnings according to the pay summary group's payment description.
    • Pay Summary Group – Use this option to print the employee's earnings according to the pay summary group.
    Earnings Summary
    Select an option to use to determine the earnings record summary:
    • By Payment Description – Use this option to summarize the earnings record per check without considering work period/pay period date differences.
    • By Payment Description, Pay Period – Use this option to summarize the earnings details by pay period per check.
    • By Payment Description, Work Period, Pay Period – Use this option to summarize the earnings details by work period per check.
    Earnings Occurrences
    Specify the maximum number of unique earnings records to include in the Payment Output Earnings Record. If the number of current earnings records to be printed exceeds the limit, the remaining records are summarized in the last occurrence with a description of Other.
    Deduction Occurrences
    Specify the maximum number of unique deduction records to include in the Payment Output Earnings Record. If the number of current deduction records to be printed exceeds the limit, the remaining records are summarized in the last occurrence with a description of Other.
    Include Absence Balances
    Select this check box to include absence balances in the printed payments.
    Organization Address
    Select the method of determining, or location from which to populate, the organization address that is included in the payment output file that is used for check and receipt printing.
    • Default – Continue using your current setup options to pull the organization address. Data is not stored in the PaymentOutput.XML file.
    • Override – Specify an address to show on the Employee Preview pay check view and pay stub. Data is stored in the PaymentOutput.XML file.
    • Organization Unit – Pull the address from the location of the employee's organization unit. Data is stored in the PaymentOutput.XML file.
    • Legal Entity - Pull the address from the location of the employee's legal entity. Data ise stored in the PaymentOutput.XML file.
    Organization Phone
    Select the method of determining, or location from which to populate, the organization phone that is included in the payment output file that is used for check and receipt printing.
    • Default – Continue using your current setup options to populate the organization phone number. Data is not stored in the PaymentOutput.XML file.
    • Override – Specify a phone number to show on the Employee Preview pay check view and pay stub. Data is stored in the PaymentOutput.XML file.
    • Organization Unit – Populate the phone number from the location of the employee's organization unit. Data is stored in the PaymentOutput.XML file.
    • Legal Entity - Populate the phone number from the location of the employee's legal entity. Data is stored in the PaymentOutput.XML file.
  4. On the Pay Check Configuration tab, specify this information:
    Display Logo
    Select an option for the display logo.
    • Organization: The logo is populated from Administrator > Set Up > Structure > Organization.
    • Organization Unit: The logo is populated from the employee's organization unit.
    • Override Logo: Select a specific logo and store it on this page.
    • Do Not Display: No logo is displayed on the pay stub.
    Configure Pay Check Sections
    Optionally, use these text fields to change the displayed value. If the text field is blank, the value defaults as delivered. Select the Hide check box to remove that section from the Pay Check View PDF. Text must be removed from the Override Description before the section can be hidden.
    Enable Hours Worked On Pay Stub
    Select this check box to show the Hours Worked column on the pay stub. When you select this check box, you can update the Exclude Hours From Hours Worked On Pay Stub field when you are setting up the pay summary group. The Exclude Hours From Hours Worked On Pay Stub field determines if the wages of the pay summary group are shown in the Hours Worked column on the pay stub.
  5. Click Save.