Creating gross up payments
When you create a gross up payment, the payment is
created and calculated.
- Sign in as Payroll Administrator.
- Select Off Cycle Processing > Gross Up Payments.
- Click Create.
Specify the employment ID, check date, deduction cycle, pay code, and net
The Pay Code field shows pay codes that are available for gross ups. Only pay codes with a calculation type of Do Not Calculate are supported.
Optionally, specify additional information, including these fields:
- Work Assignment
- If you do not specify a work assignment, the primary work assignment is used based on the specified employment ID.
- Expense Account
- If you do not populate this field, the standard expense
account is used based upon the specified employee, work assignment.
and pay code.
You can override any part of the expense account. For example, you can change the account or project. The overridden account is used for the employee. The created time record for the gross up indicates that the expense account was overridden.
- Create As System Check
- Select this check box to create a gross up as a physical check instead of a direct deposit, even if a bank detail record exists.
- Click Save.