Recommendations for Processing Manager setup

Payment schedule

  • We recommend that the ActorOrgUnit Payroll Administrator has HROrganizationUnit access to all employees in the payment schedule they are assigned to as Processing Manager.
  • This may require additional payment schedules so that each ActorOrgUnit Payroll Administrator can be responsible for processing their subset of employees.
  • If your business process includes employees who have multiple work assignments with different organization units, these employees should not have different payment schedules.

Bank code

  • If multiple ActorOrgUnit Payroll Administrators are processing payroll for different payment schedules, consider setting up multiple bank codes for the bank account and assigning Processing Manager access.
    • Each ActorOrgUnit Payroll Administrator can run the Print Payment action for the assigned bank code in Processing Manager and ensure that the Print Payments output data is secure.
    • This action results in multiple ACH files to send to the bank and payment output files.
    • If multiple bank codes are set up, then the bank codes must be defined within the organization structure for every HROrganizationUnit. When running the Calculate Payments action, the bank code assigned to employee payments is based on the bank code for the employee payment’s organization unit. If bank codes are not populated on the HROrganizationUnits, then the bank code on ConfigurableFieldByCountry is used.
  • If only one bank code is used, then only one ActorOrgUnit Payroll Administrator runs the Print Payment action for the organization.
    • All users can see the resulting data in the payment output and ACH files. ActorOrgUnit security is not considered when opening attachments outside the Infor system.
    • If the ActorOrgUnit Payroll Administrator does not have access to everyone in the bank code, then not all items in the Used Checks and Used Receipts are displayed. This may cause difficulty determining the next available number.

Legal entity

Note: Verify that all legal entities are defined in Tax Authority Number. This is required for regulatory reporting and tax deduction history.
  • Processing Manager access to legal entity is considered in tax deduction history when showing the summary of tax history by legal entity and legal establishment.
  • All Processing Managers who are assigned to a legal entity see the sum of all tax deduction history records on the Totals By Quarter and Tax Status Deduction By Quarter tabs.
  • However, the Employee Details tab shows only the employee deduction records that the actor has ActorOrgUnit security to access.