Providing inquiry-only access to setup data for ActorOrgUnit Payroll Administrators

Access to the setup data is controlled by the business class rules in the security classes that are tied to the ActorOrgUnitPayrollAdministrator_ST role. The delivered template includes the security class with update access to setup data. However, two versions of this security class are delivered:

• A version with full access: AOUEPayrollSetupAccess_ST

• A version with inquiry access only: AOUEPayrollSetupInquiryAccess_ST

To create an inquiry-only role for setup-related data, use this procedure:

  1. Copy the delivered role template in Security Administration and give your role a new role name.
  2. Locate the newly created role and review the Security Classes Assigned To Role tab.
  3. Use the Replace Security Class action on the AOUEPayrollSetupAccess_ST security class and replace it with the AOUEPayrollSetupInquiryAccess_ST security class.
  4. Assign this new role to any users who should not have access to update setup data.