Creating pay codes

  1. For payroll administrators, select Payroll Administrator > Setup > Pay Structure.

    For administrators, select Administrator > Set Up > Payroll > Pay Structure.

  2. Click the Pay Codes tab.
  3. Click Create.
  4. Specify this information:
    Effective Date
    Select the effective date of the pay code.
    Organization Unit
    Optionally, specify an organization unit.
    Optionally, specify a job.
    Pay Code
    Specify the name of the pay code. Optionally, provide the description of the pay code.
    Select this check box to make the pay code active.
    Pay Summary Group
    Select a pay summary group of the pay code.
    Calculation Type
    Select a calculation type of the pay code.
    • If you select one of these calculation types, then specify a percent:
      • Percent Rate
      • Percent with Rate Shift Differential
      • Percent with Percent Shift Differential
      • Percent of Current Earnings
      • Percent Shift Differential
    • If you select one of these calculation types, then specify an overtime premium:
      • Percent Rate
      • Percent with Rate Shift Differential
      • Percent with Percent Shift Differential
    • Select Custom Calculation to calculate the pay code that you link to a custom compute. This option is available if you create a custom compute with an EmployeeTimerecord business class and HCMComputePayCode subject.

      See Creating custom computes and Adding a subject to custom computes.

      If you select Custom Calculation, then you must select a custom compute that is linked with the pay code.

  5. To calculate amounts for multiple retroactive pay codes, specify a pay code in the Retroactive Pay Code field.

    For example, if you need to calculate amounts for regular hours, overtime hours, and vacation hours.

    If you leave this field blank, and a retroactive pay code is defined using a parameter, one retroactive pay code is used.

  6. Specify this information as required for the calculation type that is selected:
    • Rate Or Amount
    • Currency
    • Disposable Income
    • Weighted Average Pay Code
    • Look Back Number Of Days
    • Pay Class Calculation
    • Custom Compute
    • Shift Percent
    • Shift Rate
    • Shift Table
    • Time Entry Eligibility
  7. Select the service code that is associated with the pay code if you use Absence Management processing.

    If multiple records are created for the same pay code, then the same service code is used.

    If you are defining pay codes with service codes, you must create a pay code record without an organization unit and job. You must do this before you add records for the same pay code with organization units or jobs.

  8. Click Save.