Using payroll threading by payment schedule

Administrators must enable the Threading By Payment Schedule feature on the Feature Toggle page.

See the Infor HR Talent Feature Toggle Administration Guide.

Use payroll threading by payment schedule to set up action configuration entries for payroll cycle processing. These entries are specific to payment schedules. This results in different threading sizes and queue mapping.

You can set smaller payment schedules to smaller threading sizes and larger payment schedules to larger threading sizes.

You can allocate payment schedules to different Async Action queues. Payment schedules can be routed to dedicated queues that are sized as required.

  1. Select Payroll Administrator > Setup > Payroll Configuration.
  2. Open a country configuration.
  3. Click the Payroll tab.
  4. Select the Enable Threading by Payment Schedule check box.
  5. Click Save.
  6. Select Administrator > Utilities > Action Configuration.
  7. Select the item to configure.
  8. Click Define Payment Schedule Override.
  9. Specify this information:
    Payment Schedule
    Select the payment schedule to set up or remove.
    Enable Threading By Payment Schedule
    When this check box is selected, new records are created. This check box is selected by default. To remove existing entries, clear this check box.
    Override Async Queue
    Select the async queue for the actions. When you are deleting entries, leave this field blank.
    Note: If you are mapping to different async queue values, then set up the async queue entries before you take this action. Typing a value for a queue that does not exist does not create that queue.
  10. Click Submit.

    The Mapping Field 2 column is displayed. For example, it contains the payment schedule value for any records that were created using this action. You can use the Mapping Field 2 column to filter specific actions.

    When you rest the mouse on the Suggested Number Of Threads field, a message is displayed. The message shows a suggested thread size base on the employee count for this payment schedule.

    When you rest the mouse on the Employee Size field, a message is displayed. The message shows a current count of employees that are assigned to the specified payment schedule.

    To set up threading for this set of payroll cycle actions, see Using override threading on the Calculate Payments action.

    After threading and queue mappings for a payment schedule have been completed, normal cycle processing can take place.

    • Payroll cycle actions are threaded as listed in the Action Configuration settings specified for the given payment schedule.
    • Payroll cycle actions are run in the async action queue as listed in Action Configuration settings specified for the given payment schedule.