Using the Process Payroll Cycle action to calculate overtime, lock payroll, and calculate payments

These actions are performed in Draft mode.

  1. Select Payroll Administrator > Cycle Processing > Payroll Cycle.
  2. Select the payment schedule and select Process Payroll Cycle from the Actions menu.
  3. On the Process Payments tab, specify this information:
    Calculate Overtime

    If Calculate Overtime is a required process for your payment schedule, select the Calculate Overtime check box.

    Optionally, select the Rerun check box to rerun the Calculate Overtime action. To rerun the Calculate Overtime or Calculate Payments processes, you must first unlock the cycle to reveal those parameters on the action form. Individual actions are still available.

    Optionally, select the Errors Only check box to calculate overtime for errors only.

    To skip the Calculate Overtime process and begin with the Lock Payroll process, clear the Calculate Overtime check box.

    Use Prior Values
    Select this check box to use the previous values for lock payroll.
    Payment Date
    Specify the payment date.
    Deduction Cycle Number
    Specify a number for the deduction cycle.
    Move Error Results To Future
    Select this check box to move the error results to a future action.
    Override Bank Code

    Specify an override bank code.

    If a value is specified, it is copied to the Bank Code field on the Print Payments tab.

    If a value is not specified, the Bank Code field on the Print Payments tab is restored to the default value.

    Create All As System Checks
    Select this check box to create all checks as system checks.
  4. On the Draft Close tab, specify this information:
    Run Option
    The default value is Draft. Optionally, select a different run option.
    General Ledger Date
    Specify the general ledger date.
    Recreate Payroll Distributions
    Select this check box to recreate payroll distributions. If the Run Option is Draft and draft payroll distributions exist, off cycle payments are included, or close payroll is in Error status, the Recreate Payroll Distributions check box must be selected.
    Percent Distribution
    Select the type of percent distribution. For example, Both.
    Percent Posted
    Specify a percentage posted. If you specify information in this field, do not specify a Previous Period Time Record Date.
    Previous Period Time Record Date
    Specify the date of the previous period time record.
    Previous Period Ledger Date
    Specify the date of the previous period ledger.
    Include Off Cycle Payments
    Select this check box to include off cycle payments.
  5. Click Submit.

    The Calculate Payments action is in Complete status. If processed, the Calculate Overtime action is in Complete status.

    To run the Print Payment and Close Payroll actions, see Using the Process Payroll Cycle action to print payments and close payroll.

    To recalculate overtime or payments, you must unlock payroll for the payment schedule.