Unemployment reports

Use the quarterly reporting section to specify additional reporting information for the state where you are configuring state quarterly unemployment insurance.

Unemployment report

  • The Generate Unemployment report contains Social Security taxable wages, weeks worked, hours worked, and the 12th of the month indicator.
  • Use the Generate Unemployment Report action to generate Quarterly Unemployment Report information under a single report with employee wages for multiple states using the Eligibility Group field. If no eligibility group is specified, the report contains all employers with employee wages in all states.
  • To include weeks worked in the report, run the Weeks Worked calculation before generating the unemployment report.
  • Running the Generate Unemployment Report action does not create a Quarterly Unemployment File.

Unemployment file

  • Use the Generate Unemployment File action to create the final file that is submitted electronically as the Quarterly Unemployment File. This action is available when at least one tax authority is selected in the Tax Authority Quarterly Reporting.
  • To view the generated files, select Regulatory Reporting > State Quarterly Report > Unemployment Reports and click the Unemployment Report Files tab.