Generating a trial Territory W-2 file

  1. Select Payroll.
  2. Select Administration.
  3. Click the Reports tab.
  4. In the Regulatory pane, click Year End.
  5. In the Processing pane, click Generate W-2.
  6. Select the territory tax authority and click Generate W-2 File.
  7. Specify this information:
    Run Option
    Select Legal Entity or Report All.
    • Legal Entity: HR Payroll creates a W-2 CSV file for the selected legal entity that is based on where the wages were paid. If you select this run option, you must also select a valid legal entity in the Legal Entity field.
    • Report All: HR Payroll creates a W-2 CSV file for all legal entities in the organization. If you select this option, you must leave the Legal Entity field blank.
    Legal Entity
    If applicable, select the legal entity for the W-2 file. This option corresponds to the run option that you selected.
    Note: Employees are selected based on the legal entity stored on historical payment records for the year being processed.
    Payroll Year
    Specify the reporting year.
    Year End Configurable Fields
    Select this check box to use the parameters selected in the Year End Configurable Fields section.
    Note: Puerto Rico and Northern Mariana Islands always includes values that are specified in the Year End Configurable fields.
    Starting Control Number
    Specify the beginning control number for the range of W-2 records on the generated file
    Confirmation Number
    Specify the filing confirmation number to be used in the Online portal. The confirmation number must be 11 characters long, which are 10 digits that are preceded by a letter.
    Employer Telephone
    Specify the employer telephone number.
    Note: Confirmation Number and Employer Telephone are required only if generating a W-2 file for Puerto Rico
  8. Select the File Creation Setup.
  9. Click Submit to generate the report and CSV file.
    Note:  A link to the file is created in the transmitter header record. Payroll administrators can click the link to view and download the file.
  10. Review the report or CSV file and correct any errors.