Generating a trial Territory W-2 file
- Select Payroll.
- Select Administration.
- Click the Reports tab.
- In the Regulatory pane, click Year End.
- In the Processing pane, click Generate W-2.
- Select the territory tax authority and click Generate W-2 File.
- Specify this information:
- Run Option
- Select Legal Entity or Report
- Legal Entity: HR Payroll creates a W-2 CSV file for the selected legal entity that is based on where the wages were paid. If you select this run option, you must also select a valid legal entity in the Legal Entity field.
- Report All: HR Payroll creates a W-2 CSV file for all legal entities in the organization. If you select this option, you must leave the Legal Entity field blank.
- Legal Entity
- If applicable, select the legal entity for the W-2 file. This option corresponds
to the run option that you selected.Note: Employees are selected based on the legal entity stored on historical payment records for the year being processed.
- Payroll Year
- Specify the reporting year.
- Year End Configurable Fields
- Select this check box to use the parameters selected in the
Year End Configurable Fields section. Note: Puerto Rico and Northern Mariana Islands always includes values that are specified in the Year End Configurable fields.
- Starting Control Number
- Specify the beginning control number for the range of W-2 records on the generated file
- Confirmation Number
- Specify the filing confirmation number to be used in the Online portal. The confirmation number must be 11 characters long, which are 10 digits that are preceded by a letter.
- Employer Telephone
- Specify the employer telephone number.Note: Confirmation Number and Employer Telephone are required only if generating a W-2 file for Puerto Rico
- Select the File Creation Setup.
Click Submit to generate the report and CSV
Note: A link to the file is created in the transmitter header record. Payroll administrators can click the link to view and download the file.
- Review the report or CSV file and correct any errors.