Employee year-end Pennsylvania TCD/PSD overrides

For PA Act 32, on the W-2 you must include in the locality box the two-digit code for the tax collection district (TCD) where the tax was paid. Default functionality prints the W-2 description in the Locality box (Box 20).
Note: Additional functionality is available for Pennsylvania reporting, see Other options.
The W-2 description reports from the local Tax Authority W-2 Description or from the PA TCD W2 description if it is specified by Legal Entity of the PA state Tax Authority.

Use the Employee Pennsylvania Local Year End Parameters action to override the W-2 description by employee. This may be required if the W2 description printed in Box 20 is not correct for an employee.

For example, these scenarios could cause the W2 description in Box 20 to be incorrect:

  • an employee's YTD tax amount was remitted to more than one TCD during the year
  • an employee moved work locations during the year
  • the PA state tax authority W-2 description legal entity does not apply to every employee