Preparing employee information
Updating employee year-end parameters
Guam: W-2GU Void Indicator
Guam: W-2GU Void Indicator
Enable this option to void a return.
Side TOC
Side TOC
Preparing employee information
Updating employee information
Updating employee year-end parameters
Updating employee year-end parameters
Identifying retirement plan participants
Statutory employee
Form 4029
Reporting group term life insurance in excess of $50,000
Nontaxable sick pay
Qualified business expenses
Qualified moving expenses
Non-statutory stock option
409A deferral earnings
Employer sponsored health coverage
Qualified Small Employer Health Reimbursement Arrangement (QSEHRA) reimbursement amount
Box 7 Social Security tips
After limit defined contribution override amounts
New York taxable wage adjustment amount
Pennsylvania Individual Taxpayer Identification Number
Vermont Child Care Contribution Amount
Puerto Rico control number
Puerto Rico exempt salary code
Puerto Rico exempt disaster payment
Roth initial contribution year
W-2PR Box A qualified physician
W-2PR Box B domestic services
W-2PR Box C agricultural labor
W-2PR Box D minister or member of religious order
W-2PR Box E health professionals
Guam: W-2GU Void Indicator
Guam: W-2GU Control Number
Northern Mariana Islands: W-2CM Void Indicator
Northern Mariana Islands: W-2CM Control Number
Northern Mariana Islands: W-2CM Standard Occupational Classification (SOC) Code
Northern Mariana Islands: W-2CM Days Out Of CNMI
Northern Mariana Islands: W-2CM Visa Type/Class
US Territories control number
USERRA amounts
Employee year-end Pennsylvania TCD/PSD overrides