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Infor HR Talent Infor HR Talent HR Payroll 2024 Year End User Guide
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Preparing for year-end processing
Verifying the loaded payroll delivered content for year end
Verifying employee Social Security numbers
Preparing year-end parameters
Maintaining year-end parameters
Specifying year-end W-2 parameters
Employer information
Box 10 dependent care benefits
Box 11 non-qualified plans
Box 12 codes
Box 14 other
Other options
Puerto Rico
Override rates and limits
Box 13 check boxes
Northern Mariana Islands
Tax authority configurable fields
Preparing employee information
Updating employee information
Updating employee year-end parameters
Updating employee year-end parameters
Identifying retirement plan participants
Statutory employee
Form 4029
Reporting group term life insurance in excess of $50,000
Nontaxable sick pay
Qualified business expenses
Qualified moving expenses
Non-statutory stock option
409A deferral earnings
Employer sponsored health coverage
Qualified Small Employer Health Reimbursement Arrangement (QSEHRA) reimbursement amount
Box 7 Social Security tips
After limit defined contribution override amounts
New York taxable wage adjustment amount
Pennsylvania Individual Taxpayer Identification Number
Vermont Child Care Contribution Amount
Puerto Rico control number
Puerto Rico exempt salary code
Puerto Rico exempt disaster payment
Roth initial contribution year
W-2PR Box A qualified physician
W-2PR Box B domestic services
W-2PR Box C agricultural labor
W-2PR Box D minister or member of religious order
W-2PR Box E health professionals
Guam: W-2GU Void Indicator
Guam: W-2GU Control Number
Northern Mariana Islands: W-2CM Void Indicator
Northern Mariana Islands: W-2CM Control Number
Northern Mariana Islands: W-2CM Standard Occupational Classification (SOC) Code
Northern Mariana Islands: W-2CM Days Out Of CNMI
Northern Mariana Islands: W-2CM Visa Type/Class
US Territories control number
USERRA amounts
Defining USERRA amounts
Employee year-end Pennsylvania TCD/PSD overrides
Creating employee year-end PA TCD/PSD overrides
Preparing company information
Verifying pay structure
Verify pay class setup
Verify the relationships between pay summary groups and pay classes
Verify the pay code setup
Verifying deduction structure
Verify deduction class setup
Verify deduction code setup
Verify employee deductions
Verifying Employer Identification Numbers (EIN)
Verify the EIN format
Verify the employment code
Verifying W-2 and payment descriptions
Verify W-2 descriptions
Verify payment descriptions
Testing year-end parameters
Trial W-2 files
Generating a trial Federal W-2 file
Generating a trial Territory W-2 file
EFW2 format trial files
Generating an EFW2 format trial file
Follow up tasks
Options for running the final file in EFW2 format
Missing Federal W-2 files and EFW2 records list
Viewing missing W-2 and EFW2 files
Processing missing W-2 files
Processing missing EFW2 records
Removing withholding arrears
Year end remove arrears
Processing W-2 corrections
W-2C and EFW2C files
Generating a W-2c CSV file
Generating an EFW2C file
Check Non-Wage Corrections
Wage and tax compliance documents
Setup of Payroll compliance documents
Loading delivered content for year-end processing
Setting the annual deadline for delivery method changes
Setting up a reminder notification
Setting email automation
Generating and accessing files and forms
Generating a print-only file
Accessing a print-only file
W-2 forms
Generating W-2 forms
Generating W-2 forms for Mariana Islands
Generating W-2 forms for Guam
Accessing W-2 forms
W-2C forms
Generating W-2C forms
Accessing W-2C forms
Email communications for compliance documents
Sending email communications for compliance documents
Creating email templates for compliance documents
Accessing wage and tax documents as a Document Administrator in IDM
Updating the employee delivery method for wage and tax documents
Viewing the Delivery Method report
W-2 form layout
W-2 checklist
Prepare for year end
Government resources
U.S. federal government telephone numbers
U.S. state and local resources
Federal government web sites
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