Identifying retirement plan participants
If employees participated in an employer paid retirement plan, you can specify the after tax deduction class in the Box 13 Retirement Plan check box on the Employee Year End Parameters page.
See Updating employee year-end parameters.
Only identify employees who were in a retirement plan during the W-2 year. For example, if you create your W-2 forms for 2022 in January of 2023, only employees who were in a retirement plan in 2022 should be identified as such.
Only identify employees who require retirement plan information to be printed on their W-2 forms. Do not use this field to keep track of the employees in your retirement plan.
If an employee only made after tax contributions (or the employer contributions were made without employee pre-tax contributions), use the Box 13 Retirement Plan check box.
Do not use the Box 13 Retirement Plan check box if an employee participates pretax in one of these plans:
- 401(k) or 7701(j)
- 403(b)
- SIMPLE retirement account
- 408(k)(6)
- 501(c)
HR Payroll automatically checks the retirement plan in Box 13 of the W-2 for these plans.