Creating employee year-end PA TCD/PSD overrides

  1. Select Payroll Administrator > Regulatory Reporting > Year End Reporting > Employee Configurable Fields.
  2. Select and open the employee record.
  3. Click Employee Pennsylvania Local Year End Parameters and then click Create.
  4. Specify this information:
    Local Deduction Code
    Select a local deduction code. The Year to Date Tax Amount field and Year to Date Wage Amount fields are populated with the amounts from the quarterly file.
    Note: Consider all local tax deductions with tax category 01 and tax type CI and SD.
    W-2 Description
    Specify the two-digit Tax Collection District (TCD) code.
    Reportable Tax Amount
    Specify the associated tax amount.
    Reportable Wages
    Specify the associated taxable wages. If overriding both SD and CI tax amounts, only update reportable wages for the CI tax category. Otherwise, taxable wages are doubled.
    Override Political Subdivision Code
    Specify the associated Political Subdivision Code (PSD) to override. Use this override when reciprocity scenarios cause taxation on the Live location rather than the Work location.
    Note: Use multiple lines if the year to date (YTD) tax amount was remitted to different tax collection districts during the year. If you are specifying more than one line of data the total tax amount must equal the YTD tax amount displayed for the deduction.
  5. Click Save.
    Repeat these steps for all local tax deductions for which you must define overridden PA TCD W2 descriptions or PSD Codes.