Other options

  1. Specify this information on the Deduction Class tab:
    Detroit City Tax
    Select the Detroit City tax deduction to be reported on the W-2 file.
    New York Paid Family Leave
    Specify the deduction class assigned to New York Paid Family Leave.
    Massachusetts Family Leave
    Select the deduction class for the Massachusetts Family Leave to be printed in Box 14 of the W-2 CSV file and displayed on the W-2 electronic file.
    Massachusetts Medical Leave
    Select the deduction class for the Massachusetts Medical Leave to be printed in Box 14 of the W-2 CSV file and displayed on the W-2 electronic file.
    Oregon Statewide Transit
    Select the deduction class for the Oregon Statewide Transit to be printed in Box 14 of the W-2 CSV file and displayed on the W-2 electronic file.
    Suppress Local Taxable Deduction Class
    Select a deduction class that represents any local tax deductions for taxable wages to not be reported for the year-end programs. The year-end programs suppress printing the taxable wage for all identified local taxes. This is used if taxable wage was tracked in error for all employees.
  2. On the Railroad Retirement Tax Act Descriptions tab, specify an override description for Box 14 printing of RRTA amounts. You can override the existing five-character value with a value of up to five characters. The default descriptions are RRTA, MEDCR, AMDTX, Tier1, and Tier2.
  3. Specify this information on the Miscellaneous tab:
    Pennsylvania Local Combined By W-2 Description

    Select whether the W-2 Reporting program should perform additional functionality for Pennsylvania reporting.

    If this check box is selected, W-2 Reporting references the Employee Pennsylvania Local Year End Parameters, combining local tax amounts by W-2 description for reporting in Box 18, 19, and 20. Taxable wages are reported from the city tax deduction. If a city tax deduction is not found, then school district taxable wages are reported.

    If this check box is not selected, the W-2 description from the local tax authority is used and YTD amounts are listed separately.

    Supplemental Address

    Select whether to use employees' supplemental addresses.

    If this check box is selected, supplemental addresses are printed on the W-2 CSV file for all employees. If an employee does not have a valid supplemental address defined, the employee's home address is printed. A valid supplemental address includes an address line, city, state, and postal code.

    If this check box is not selected, the employees' home addresses are printed on the W-2 CSV file.

    Yonkers Tax Authority
    Specify the Yonkers tax authority if there are any employees with City of Yonkers W-2 reportable amounts. The W-2 description for the Yonkers local tax amounts comes from the Yonkers tax authority.
    Philadelphia Tax Authority

    Select the Philadelphia Tax Authority if there are any employees with Philadelphia W-2 reportable amounts.

    Identifying your Philadelphia local tax authority is required to prevent the PA TCD W-2 description from being used for Philadelphia taxes. This applies if you selected the Pennsylvania Local combined by W-2 Description check box and specified an Employee Pennsylvania Local Year End Parameters W-2 description. By specifying the Philadelphia tax authority, the W-2 description for the Philadelphia local tax amounts from the Philadelphia tax authority are used.

    Iowa Business Electronic File Number
    Specify the number of your New Jersey Private Family Leave Insurance Plan.
    Wisconsin W-2 or EFW2 $0 Record Eligibility Group
    Select the employee eligibility group if there are employees for which you are expecting a $0 wage record in the W-2 file.
    New Jersey Family Leave Insurance Plan Number
    Specify the number of your New Jersey Private Family Leave Insurance Plan.
    Pennsylvania Tax Collection District W-2 Description

    Specify the TCD's two-digit code for the legal entity if you filed all taxes to one TCD.

    New Jersey Test/Production Indicator
    For the New Jersey file, specify P for Production or T for Test.
    Suppress Occupational Tax

    Select whether to suppress occupational tax when you run W-2 Reporting.

    If this check box is selected, the Payroll application does not include taxes that are defined with a tax category of 51 (Occupational Tax) or 84 (Local Services Tax) on the W-2 CSV file.

    Optionally, you can select up to five individual states to suppress the occupational tax only for those states selected.
    Note: This field is not used by EFW2 Reporting or US Territory W-2 Reporting.
    Tax State

    If you selected the Suppress Occupational Tax check box, you can select up to five individual states to suppress the occupational tax only for those states selected.

    Note: This field is not used by EFW2 Reporting or US Territory W-2 Reporting.