Verifying Employer Identification Numbers (EIN)
Before you create W-2 files, check how Employer Identification Numbers (EINs) are set up. If you do not have your EINs set up correctly, your W-2 forms will not print correctly.
Verify that these items are set up correctly:
- EIN Format – Navigate to and verify that your federal identification numbers are in the correct format. Federal EINs must be in the format 00-0000000. You must specify the dash between the first two and last seven digits. The federal government also restricts the use of certain numbers as the first two digits in the EIN. Contact the SSA or IRS for more information.
- Employment Code – If you do not define the employment code for a legal entity, it defaults to Regular when you create the W-2 electronic file. For all legal entities, if the employment code is not regular, select the appropriate employment code for the EIN at .