Employer information

  1. Specify this information in the Agent section:
    Agent Code

    Select the type of agent that manages the payroll and tax filing for the legal entity.

    If you use an agent, then select 2678 Agent, 3504 Agent, or Common Paymaster.

    Agent Employer Identification Number
    If you selected 2678 Agent or 3504 Agent in the Agent Code field, then you must specify the agent's employer identification number in this field.
    Agent Name
    If you selected 2768 Agent in the Agent Code field, then specify the agent's name in this field.
    Note: If you are a 2678 agent, specify this information:
    Agent Code
    Select 2678 Procedure Agent.
    Agent Employer Identification Number
    Specify the agent EIN. This EIN is moved to the W-2 files in the Employer EIN field.
    Agent Name

    Optionally, specify an agent name. This name is moved to the W-2 files in the Employer Name field and the employer name from the legal entity is moved to the W-2 Reporting CSV file in the Agent For field.

    If you do not specify an agent name in the Year End Configurable Fields, the legal entity name is used as the employer name.

  2. Specify this information in the Contact section:
    Employee Name

    You can specify up to 20 characters of the employee name to report in the EFW2 file as the employer contact name.

    If left blank, the contact information from the parameters on the Generate EFW2 File action are used.

    Phone Number

    Specify the employee contact phone number to report in the EFW2 file as the employer contact phone number.

    Use numeric values only (including area code). For example, 1232345678.

    If left blank, the contact information from the parameters on the Generate EFW2 File action is used.

    Phone Extension

    Specify the employee phone extension to report in the EFW2 file as the employer contact phone extension.

    Use numeric values only. For example, 12345.

    If left blank, the contact information from the parameters on the Generate EFW2 File action is used.


    Specify the email address to report in the EFW2 file as the employer contact email.

    If left blank, the contact information from the parameters on the Generate EFW2 File action is used.

    Fax Number

    Specify the employee fax number to report in the EFW2 file as the employer contact fax number.

    Use numeric values only (including area code). For example, 1232345678.
    Note: Fax numbers can only be specified for U.S. and U.S. territories.
  3. Specify this information in the Third Party Sick Payer section:

    This check box determines whether this legal entity is a third-party sick pay payer filing a Form W-2 for an insured employee or is reporting sick pay payments made by a third-party.

    If this check box is selected, a Third-Party Sick Pay indicator is recorded on the electronic file on the employer record.

    Federal Income Tax
    The total federal income tax withheld by third parties from sick or disability payments made to your employees.
    Employee Eligibility Group

    If you are a third-party sick payer filing a Form W-2 for an insured employee or are reporting sick pay payments made by a third party, you may optionally specify an employee eligibility group in addition to a pay class which is used to identify which employees are issued a W-2.

    An X prints in Box 13 of the W-2 for these employees and a Third-Party Sick Pay indicator status is recorded on the electronic file on the employee record.

    Pay Class

    If you are a third-party sick payer filing a Form W-2 for an insured employee or are reporting sick pay payments made by a third party, specify the pay class you used to issue the insured employee sick payments. The pay class for third-party sick payments must be the same for all employees within the legal entity.

    If an employee was issued a payment with this pay class, an X prints in Box 13 of the W-2 and a Third-Party Sick Pay indicator status is recorded on the electronic file on the employee record.

  4. Specify this information in the Miscellaneous section:
    Medicare Qualified Government Employer Deduction Class

    The deduction defined for Medicare withholding for government employees who qualify as Medicare Qualified Government Employees (MQGE).

    Employees assigned this deduction are reported as MQGE employees when you run EFW2 Reporting.

    Note: If a separate Medicare deduction does not exist for MQGE, then leave this field blank. EFW2 Reporting then reports based on the employment code Medicare Qualified Government Employment that is specified in the legal entity. Employees in the identified legal entity with zero Social Security history are reported as MQGE.
    Other Employer Identification Number
    If you filed a 941 or 943 during the year under another EIN, specify that EIN in this data item.
    Kind of Employer
    Select the kind of employer:
    • F: Federal Government
    • S: State and Local Governmental Employer
    • T: Tax Exempt Employer
    • Y: State and Local Tax Exempt Employer
    • N: None Apply

    If you do not specify a kind of employer, the year-end programs are set to N.

    Form 4029 Employer
    This check box determines whether this legal entity is a qualifying employer for Form 4029.
    Terminating Business
    Determines whether the EIN for this legal entity terminated business during the tax reporting year.
    Note: The information in this field is used for EFW2 reporting only.
    W-2s By Social Security Number
    This check box determines whether employees with multiple payment history records within the payroll year and legal entity are combined into one employee record. They receive a single W-2 form with combined employee information by Social Security number.