Changing appraisal form text for historical appraisals

To change the appraisal form text:

  1. Select Administrator > Performance > Appraisal Forms.
  2. Select the appraisal form and select Actions > Change Appraisal Text.
  3. On the Change Appraisal Text form, specify appraisal text for each of the stages for which to display form-level appraisal text, and click OK.
    Note: These are Rich Text Fields (RTF) fields that enable some formatting.
  4. Specify this information:
    Employee: Draft
    Text defined in this field is displayed on employee self-appraisals that are in Draft status.
    Employee: In Progress
    Text defined in this field is displayed on employee self-appraisals that are in In Progress status.
    Employee: Acknowledgment
    Text defined in this field is displayed on the Acknowledge form for the employee.
    Manager: Draft
    Text defined in this field is displayed on manager appraisal forms that are in Draft status.
    Manager: In Progress
    Text defined in this field is displayed on manager appraisal forms that are in In Progress status.
    Manager: Ready For Review
    Text defined in this field is displayed on manager appraisal forms that are in Ready For Review status.
    Manager: Acknowledgment
    Text defined in this field is displayed to managers when opening an acknowledged employee appraisal in their inbasket.
    Upline Approval
    Text defined in this field is displayed to upline managers in their inbasket when opening an employee appraisal that was submitted for approval by a manager.
  5. Click OK.