Defining email automation for appraisal forms
Specify this information on the Email Automation tab of an appraisal
- Self: Available
For an email notification to be sent to employees when their self appraisal is available, specify Automatic Email in the Email Rule column. Specify the email template for the email notification.
- Self: Submitted For Review
For an email notification to be sent to managers when employees submit a self appraisal, specify Automatic Email in the Email Rule column. Specify the email template for the email notification.
- Self: Revert Submitted For Review To In Progress
For employees to receive an email notification when administrators revert a self appraisal with Submitted For Review status to In Progress, specify Automatic Email in the Email Rule column. Specify the email template for the email notification.
- Self: Revert Historical To In Progress
For employees to receive an email notification when managers or administrators revert a self appraisal to In Progress, specify Automatic Email in the Email Rule column. Specify the email template for the email notification.
- Manager: Available
For an email notification to be sent to managers when a manager appraisal is available to them, specify Automatic Email in the Email Rule column. Specify the email template for the email notification.
- Manager: Ready For Review
For an email notification to be sent to employees when their manager reviews their appraisal, specify Automatic Email in the Email Rule column. Specify the email template for the email notification.
- Manager: Submitted To Employee
For an email notification to be sent to employees when their manager submits their appraisal to them directly for acknowledgment, specify Automatic Email in the Email Rule column. Specify the email template for the email notification.
If the Require Employee Acknowledgment and Require Upline Manager Approval check boxes are selected in the appraisal form's rules panel in the Appraisal Approval And Acknowledgment section, you must select the Notification check box.
- Manager: Submitted To Upline Manager
For an email notification to be sent to upline managers and employees when managers submit an appraisal for acknowledgment, specify Automatic Email in the Email Rule column. Specify the email template for the email notification.
If the Require Upline Manager Approval check box is selected in the appraisal form's rules panel in the Appraisal Approval And Acknowledgment section, you must select the Notification check box.
- Manager: Revert Ready For Review To In Progress
For employees to receive an email notification when managers revert an appraisal with Ready For Review status to In Progress, specify Automatic Email in the Email Rule column. Specify the email template for the email notification.
- Manager: Revert Historical To In Progress
For managers to receive an email notification when administrators revert an appraisal to In Progress, specify Automatic Email in the Email Rule column. Specify the email template for the email notification.
- Other Rater: Available
For an email notification to be sent to employees when an other rater review is available in My Reviews, specify Automatic Email in the Email Rule column. Specify the email template for the email notification.
- Other Rater: Submitted For Review
For an email notification to be sent to employees when an other rater submits their appraisal, specify Automatic Email in the Email Rule column. Specify the email template for the email notification.
- Other Rater: Revert Submitted For Review To In Progress
For employees to receive an email notification when administrators revert an appraisal with Submitted For Review status to In Progress, specify Automatic Email in the Email Rule column. Specify the email template for the email notification.
- Other Rater: Revert Historical To In Progress
For employees to receive an email notification when managers or administrators revert an appraisal to In Progress, specify Automatic Email in the Email Rule column. Specify the email template for the email notification.
- Reassign
For an email notification to be sent to managers and employees when an appraisal is reassigned, specify Automatic Email in the Email Rule column. Specify the email template for the email notification.
- To display a system notification, select the Notification check box for each of the fields.
- Click Save.