Creating reminders for appraisals that are due soon

Before creating the reminders, you must specify the number of days before the due date to notify the user in the Days Before Due Date field in organization configuration.

See Configuring details.

You can create reminders for appraisals that are due soon which are sent through email and notification. You cannot create reminders for appraisals that have the status of Historical or Preliminary.

  1. Select Appraisals > Processes > Create Appraisal Reminders For Due Soon.
  2. Specify this information:
    Appraisal Email Template
    Select an appraisal email template.
    Employee Group
    Specify the group of employees to whom the reminder is sent. You cannot specify both employee group and resources.
    Specify individual resources. You can specify up to 10 employees. You cannot specify both employee group and resources.
  3. Click Submit.

    The notification is sent to the person who has a pending action. The link in the notification directs the user to the appraisal.

    If the appraisal has a corresponding work unit, the notification is sent with access to the work unit where the user can approve, reject, or acknowledge the appraisal. Available actions depend on the user role.