Defining appraisal criteria
- Select Administrator > Set Up > Performance > Appraisal Criteria.
- On the Criteria tab, click Create.
Specify this information:
- Criteria
Specify a name for the rating. For example, Leader.
- Active
The appraisal criteria is active by default. Clear the check box to inactivate it.
- Description
Specify the text that is displayed on the appraisal for this criteria. For example, Takes the lead when assigned to projects.
- Response Type
Select the type of response. For example, Yes/No, multiple choice, long text, or rating scale.
Note: If you select Rating Scale, select the rating scale on the appraisal form sections.
- Click Save.
If you select Multiple Choice
in the Response Type field, the
Response Option tab is
displayed. To define the multiple choice options, follow these steps:
- Click the Response Option tab.
- Click Create.
- In the Description field, specify a label for the response. For example, to create a set of five options (such as excellent, good, fair, below average, and poor), specify Excellent.
- Click Save and New.
- Continue adding responses for this criterion.
- Click Save.