Email templates
Automatic email notifications use email templates. Email templates are set up in the format of a standard normal email. You can use variable text in place of information such as sender email, recipient email, and due date. When an appraisal is available, the variable text is replaced with information that is taken from the appraisal form, resource profile, and resource manager's profile.
For example, a notification template requesting a resource to complete a self appraisal form:
To | {ResourceEmail} |
From | {ManagerEmail} |
Subject | {ResourceFulName}: Your performance self-appraisal form is available |
Body | Please complete your self-appraisal form by {DueDate}. You can access your self-appraisal form in Employee Self-Service, under Take Action > View Appraisals. |
When self-appraisal forms are made available, this email is sent to each resource for whom appraisals were made available. The {ResourceEmail} and {ResourceFullName} are pulled from each resource's profile. The {ManagerEmail} is pulled from the profile of each resource's manager according to the manager structure. The {DueDate} is the due date derived from the appraisal form or the due date specified when the resource appraisal is created.