Defining schedules for appraisal forms

Note: This information is optional at the appraisal form level.
  • You can add or override the dates of the performance review period and due date at the time that you generate the employee appraisals.

  • Use the input period to limit when employees and managers can specify appraisal data. If you leave the input fields blank, employees and managers can specify appraisal data as soon as the forms are displayed in their respective spaces.

    You cannot override the input fields when you create an appraisal, and the input fields are not displayed on the appraisal itself. After appraisals are created using this form, you can change the input period. See Changing the input period for appraisal forms (administrator).

Specify this information on the Schedule tab of an appraisal form.

  1. In the section for the Performance Review Period, specify a date range or a frequency.
    • If the review period is the same for every selected employee, specify the start and end date of the review period in the Date Range field.
    • If each employee has a different review period, specify the review period. For example, a review period that is based on the start date. This period can be a set number of days or months from a specified date or it can be customized.
      • To specify a date, select the period of time from the Frequency list and select a date from the From Date list. The specified date can be the employee's start date, adjusted start date, anniversary date, or other date. For example, for an annual review using the start date as a starting point, select Annually from the Frequency list. Then select Start Date from the From Date list.
      • To specify a custom date, select Custom from the Frequency list. Specify a Number of Units and select a Unit Type. For example, for a review every six weeks, specify 6 in the Number of Units field and select Weeks from the Unit Type list.
  2. In the section for the Appraisal Due Date, specify one of these options:

    If every employee has the same performance review period, specify a due date.

    If employees have a different due date, you can specify a set number of days before or after the end of the appraisal period. For example, you have an annual review using the employee's start date. You can specify that the due date is 15 days after the start date anniversary or 15 days before the start date anniversary.

    If this field is left blank, the due date is the end date of the performance review period.

  3. In the section for the Input Period, specify one of these options:
    • A date range
    • A set number of days before and after the end of the performance review period
    • Begin and end days before the end of the performance review period
    • Begin and end days after the end of the performance review period

    The input period specifies the period when employees and managers can specify data in the appraisal.

    If no input period is specified, employees and managers can start working on the appraisal as soon as it is displayed in their respective space.

  4. Click Save.

Input Period examples

Input Period option Example
Date Range

Start Date: 05/31/2023

End Date: 06/30/2023

Note: This range could be any date range. It is not tied to the end date of the review period.
Input Period Overlapping Performance Review End Dates If 5/31 is the review period end, 5 days before and 10 days after would mean an input period of 5/26 to 6/10.
Input Period Before Performance Review End Date If 5/31 is the review period end, 30 days start and 15 days end would mean an input period of 5/1 to 5/16.)
Input Period After Performance Review End Date If 5/31 is the review period end, 1 day start and 30 days end would mean an input period of 6/1 to 6/30.