Defining third party sections

If you use a third-party performance tool, you can create a section in which to import or specify the score attained by resources. An example of a third-party tool is a sales performance tool. You can include this score in overall rating calculations by providing the maximum score that can be attained. Performance Management uses the maximum third-party score to convert the score the manager enters during the appraisal to a percentage. The section weight is then applied to the resulting score.

  1. Select Administrator > Performance > Appraisal Forms.
  2. On the Sections tab, click Create > Create Third Party Section.
  3. Specify this information:

    Specify a short and long description for the section. The long description displays on the appraisal form.


    The section is active by default. Clear the check box to inactivate it.

    Maximum Third Party Score

    Specify the maximum score that a resource can attain from the third-party system. For example, if the performance is rated over 50, type 50.

    Include Comments For Section

    Select this check box to provide space for comments for the section. If you select this check box, you have the option to require comments.

    Comments For Section Required?

    Select this check box to require appraisers to specify comments for the section.


    Specify instructions for the appraiser.

  4. Click Save.