Defining a position plan

You must have position budget manager security to define and manage position budget plans.

  1. Select Position Budget Manager > Position Plans.
  2. Click Create.
  3. On the Detail tab, specify this information:
    Position Plan Dates

    Specify the start and end dates for the position plan.


    You can create any number of position plans for the same date range. You cannot create a position plan if an active position plan already exists for the same date range. You must inactivate the active position plan or revert it to Preliminary status.


    Specify a description for the position plan

    Planning Level

    Select the planning level to use for the organization plan.

    Possible planning levels are by job, position, organization unit, organization unit branch, organization unit and job, or organization unit and position. See Position plan planning levels.

    Used By Talent Acquisition

    Select this option for your budget counts to include requisitions and job applications.

    Budget By FTE
    Select this option to budget by full-time equivalents (FTE).
    Budget By Headcount
    Select this option to budget by headcounts. Headcounts are resources, whether they are full-time or not.
    Budget By Salary
    Select this option to convert budget amounts to the specified currency at the rate on the specified Exchange Date.

    Specify the position plan currency. Budget salary amounts are converted to this currency.

    Exchange Date

    Specify the date for the exchange rate to use when converting salary amounts to the position plan currency.

    Plan Comparisons

    Select this option for this position plan to be used in comparison with other position budget plans in the Plan Comparison analytic views. To access the views, select Reports > Plan Comparisons.

  4. Click Save.

    The budget is created with a status of Preliminary. It is assigned a version number that is consecutive to the version number of the last budget created for the same period.

    When you open the position plan, the Rules and Budget tabs are accessible. You must define the rules and the budgets associated with the position plan.