Viewing assignment metrics per facility

You must have the role of Health & Safety Facility Management to access this information.

  1. Sign in as Health & Safety Facility Management.
  2. Select Occupational Health > Monitor Health Components > Health Components.
  3. Select the By Facility tab to view the list of facilities that you manage.
  4. Select a facility.
    Information about assignments in the selected facility is displayed on the appropriate tabs.
  5. View the information in these columns:
    The name of the employee to whom the health component was assigned. If the due date is approaching or past, then there is also an icon in this column.
    Employment ID
    The organization-assigned ID of the employee to whom the health component was assigned.
    The position at this facility of the employee to whom the health component was assigned.
    The health component that was assigned to this employee at this facility. Additional components, if any, are listed in separate rows.
    Due Date
    The date by which the employee is expected to complete this health component. If the assignment is not in a Completed status, then you can select the row, and then select More Actions > Change Dates. Optionally, click the column header to sort by due date.
    Last Completed
    If the employee previously completed this component as part of an assigned series, then the date of last completion is displayed.
    Component Status
    This is displayed only on the All tab. It indicates the state of the assignment.
    Clinician ID
    This is displayed only on the Completed and All tabs, if this information was provided during completion of the component.
    Clinician Name
    This is displayed only on the Completed and All tabs, if this information was provided during completion of the component.
    Healthcare Treatment Facility
    This is displayed only on the Completed and All tabs, if this information was provided during completion of the component.
    Healthcare Treatment Description
    This is displayed only on the Completed and All tabs, if this information was provided during completion of the component.
    This is displayed only on the Refused tab. If the reason for refusal is associated with a contraindication, such as an allergy, then there is a Yes value in this column.
    Contraindicated Expiration
    This is displayed only on the Refused tab. If the reason for refusal is associated with a temporary contraindication, such as a pregnancy, then the end date of the contraindication is displayed.
    Refusal Accepted
    This is displayed only on the Refused tab. A Yes value in this column indicates that an administrator acknowledged and approved the refusal.
  6. Optionally, select the check box for a row, and then select an action to perform on that assignment.
  7. Optionally, open a row to edit it.
    You cannot edit completed assignments.
  8. Optionally, assign a component by selecting More Actions > Assign Component in the left menu.