Scheduling assignment to an eligibility group
This task relies on Infor Landmark platform functionality for scheduling background actions. See Infor Landmark documentation for authoritative details.
- Sign in as Health & Safety Management.
- Select Health Assignment, then select the method for assignment to an individual or an eligibility group.
- After specifying relevant information, click Schedule.
Complete these fields:
- Scheduled Action Name
- Provide a unique name for this request.
- Notification Type
- Select the situation in which an email or user notification is to be sent. Options are Never, On Failure, Always, or Action Group. Select an action group for an action that invokes another action.
- (Schedule) Email Address
- Optionally, specify one or more email addresses to receive notification of the situation described in the Notification Type field. Separate addresses with a semicolon.
- (Execution Duration Notification) Email Address
- Specify one or more email addresses to receive notification if the report execution duration exceeds the value in the Threshold Minutes field.
- Threshold Minutes
- Specify the number of minutes after report generation has begun that a notification is to be sent if generation has not concluded.
- Schedule Type
- Select a frequency for the report to be generated. Options are:
Run Once, By Frequency, By Date In Month, By Day, By Week Number, Advanced Schedule, Copy
From Template.
Your selection in this field changes the title and combination of fields in the section beneath. Your selections act as a set of filters. Only dates that pass all filters are used to schedule an action.
- First Time To Run / Latest Time To Run
- Specify the range of times when the report can run.
- Schedule Exclusion or Schedule Exclusion Set
- Specify times within the first and latest times when the report must not run. You can use these fields to prevent conflicts with other known jobs.
- Run Action Concurrently
- Field is reserved for future use.
- Schedule Time Zone
- Select the time zone to use when interpreting schedule selections on this page.
- (Action Failure Configuration) Strategy
- Specify how the system should respond to a failure or misfire.
- Report Options
- Options are: No Report, Report All Processes.
- Threshold Minutes
- Specify the maximum number of minutes that should elapse before an action is handled as failed.
- Number Of Retries
- Specify the number of retries allowed, up to a maximum of 99.
- Continue On Failure To Run
- Specify how the system should proceed after a failure.
Click OK.
A confirmation message is displayed if the email invitations were successfully scheduled.