Recording an ad-hoc contact event

Perform this task if you contacted an employee by phone, in person, or through personal email about a component.
  1. Sign in as Health & Safety Management.
  2. Select Occupational Health > Monitor Health Components > Health Components and click the appropriate tab.
    Or, select Occupational Health > Monitor Health Components > Employees.
  3. Select the check box in the row for the component.
  4. Click the Reminder action.
    You might be required to click the More Actions menu, indicated by an ellipsis, to view the action.
  5. Specify this information:
    Date Contacted
    Select the date when the ad-hoc contact event occurred.
    Time Contacted
    Select the time when the ad-hoc contact event occurred.
    Contact Method
    Select a contact method.
    • Phone - select this if you called the employee by phone. The phone number of the employee is displayed if it exists in the system.
    • Other - select this if you had an in-person conversation or sent an email rom your individual email account. Describe details of the contact in the Comments field.
      Note: Do not select Email if you are recording an email sent from your own email account. The Email option causes an automated email reminder to be generated.
    Add comments for display in the Contact Notes field in the contact history details of the employee or the component record. For example, "I left a recorded message reminding L. that the shot is due by next week. I gave L. my number if questions." For example, "I saw D. at the all-hands meeting and said that all others have submitted their test results."
  6. Click Submit.
    The contact event is listed on the Contact History tab of the component details.