- Reason
- Select a reason.
- Series
- Do not complete this field if you completed the Component field.
If you are assigning a series of components to these employees, then
select the series. If no suitable series is displayed, then you can
create one.
See Creating a health series.
- Component
- Do not complete this field if you completed the Series field. If
you are assigning a single component to these resources, then select
the component. If no suitable component is displayed, then you can
create one.
See Adding a health component.
- Due
- Optionally, change the due date to override the date-calculation
method that was configured for the component. This field applies to
a component only, and not to a series.
- Expiration
- Optionally, change the due date to override the date-calculation
method that was configured for the component. This field applies to
a component only, and not to a series.
- Renewal
- Optionally, change the due date to override the date-calculation
method that was configured for the component. This field applies to
a component only, and not to a series.
- Health Email Template
- Select the email template that is set up for appointments. If
there is not a suitable template, then you can create one.
See Defining email templates.
- Occupational Health
- Select the appointment template to use in the email invitation.
If there is not a suitable appointment template, then you can create
See Adding a pre-defined appointment.
- Comments
- You can add comments that are related to this component or
series. Comments are not displayed on email