Updating a group appointment

Perform this task to make changes to an appointment that was made, for example, as part of the assignment process.
  1. Sign in as Health & Safety Management.
  2. Select Occupational Health > Monitor Health Components > Group Appointments.
  3. In the Appointment List pane, select the check box for an appointment.
  4. Select More Actions (ellipsis) > Update Appointment.
  5. Specify this information:
    Optionally, specify a reason code.
    Optionally, provide comments to track with this updated appointment.
    Appointment Location
    Optionally, change the location of the appointment.
    Optionally, change the start date and time for the appointment.
    Optionally, change the end date and time for the appointment. Leave this blank if you specified a value in the Duration field.
    Optionally, change the number hours from the value in the Start field that the appointment lasts. Leave this blank if you specified a value in the End field.
    Optionally, change the number of minutes before the appointment that employees receive a reminder email.
  6. Click Submit to send an updated appointment to each employee who is assigned to this component.
    Or, click Schedule to schedule the program to run later.

    See Scheduling assignment to an eligibility group.