Updating a one-time appointment for one employee
You can perform this task only if the
original appointment for the employee was not a pre-defined appointment.
- Sign in as Health & Safety Management.
- Select Occupational Health > Monitor Health Components > All Appointments.
- On the Today or Future tab, select the check box for an employee appointment record.
Select to update the appointment.
- Subject
- Optionally, change the subject of the updated email appointment.
- Content
- Optionally, change the body text of the updated email appointment.
- Location
- Optionally, change the location of the appointment.
- Start Time
- Optionally, change the start date and time for the appointment.
- End Time
- Optionally, change the end date and time for the appointment. Leave this blank if you specified a value in the Appointment Duration field.
- Appointment Duration
- Optionally, change the number hours from the value in the Start Time field that the appointment lasts. Leave this blank if you specified a value in the End Time field.
- Appointment Reminder
- Optionally, change the number of minutes before the appointment that employees receive a reminder email.
- Comments
- Add a reason for this changed appointment.
Click Submit.
An updated email is sent to this employee only.