Viewing or adding assignment details
You can perform this task to update the assignment, for example to record communication or add a note or attachment to a component assignment.
- Sign in as Health & Safety Management or Health & Safety Facility Management.
Select Occupational Health > Monitor Health Components > Health Components.
Or, select Home > Monitor Health Components.
- Click the appropriate tab.
Open the appropriate record.
In the header, this information is displayed:
- Component identifier — is the name of the component.
- Component Status — indicates whether the employee is cleared to return to the workplace. Status is updated automatically upon component assignment and completion. Optionally, select More Actions > Change Clearance
- In Process — indicates the status of this assignment.
- Dates — specifies the Assigned Date, Due Date, Expiration Date, and Last Completed dates for this assignment, if they are available.
In the lower section, this information is displayed:
- Contact History — displays communications with the resource about this component. To record a new contact event with this resource about this component, click Create to open the Create Resource Contact page.
Costs — displays the costs incurred by the organization in assigning this component to this resource. You can also view these later as part of the health history on the employee record.
Appointments — displays the appointments that were made for this resource to comply with this component.
- Notes — displays notes that document the assignment of
this component to this resource. Open the note to view the comments. For
example, add notes about the status of an employee who has a COVID-19
test as a health component. A note can contain an attachment. View an
attachment by clicking the icon on the note. Click the + button to display
the Create Note page and optionally
attach a file.
Notes can be edited by the person who created them.
- Component History — displays the audit history for this component assignment, including actions, action reasons, and the user ID that performed the actions. If the component was completed, then this tab displays outcome, lot number, clinician, and healthcare treatment. Clearance actions are recorded here.