Creating a service definition for the FormatPaymentPrint process flow

  1. Sign in as Process Server Administrator.
  2. Select Configuration > Service Definitions.
  3. Click Create.
  4. Specify FormatPaymentPrint in the Service field and in the Description field.
  5. Verify that the Service Is Enabled check box is selected.
  6. Click Save.
  7. On the Processes tab, click Create.
  8. In the Process-Definition field, select FormatPaymentPrint.
  9. Click Save.
  10. On the Properties tab, configure these system properties:
    • LTM_FormatPaymentPrint_OutputDirectory: This property defines where the formatted file is located.
    • LTM_FormatPaymentPrint_ScriptDirectory: This property defines where the script is located. When installed, the script is located in the wfdata folder. It can be moved to any location.
    • LTM_FormatPaymentPrint_SourceDirectory: This property defines where the input HRM Payment Print file is located.
    • LTM_FormatPaymentPrint_SourceFileName: This property defines the input file name.
  11. Execute the FormatPaymentPrint process flow using the HRM Process Server.