Assigning non-checklist activities to mentees
You can also perform this task on the Activities tab on the mentee's profile.
- Select Mentor > My Mentees.
Select the direct report to whom you want to assign an activity and
select Actions > Assign Activity.
The fields that you see will vary depending on whether your organization uses learning budgets.
On the Assign Activity page, complete these
fields, if available:
- Activity
This information is required. Select the activity that you want to assign to the resource.
- Proposed New Activity
(Learning budgets only) If the activity does not exist, type a descriptive name for the activity you want to be created.
- Start Date
(Learning budgets only) This information is required. Select the start date for the activity. This helps the system assign the activity to a budget.
- Due Date
This information is required. Specify the due date for the activity. It must a date in the future and later than the start date.
- Session
(No learning budgets only) If you select a session, do not select Allow Resource to Select Session. If this option is selected, the resource will be assigned to the selected activity with a confirmed or wait listed registration for this session.
Note:If a resource already is already assigned to the same activity with this same session (in confirmed, requested, wait listed, failed to complete, or complete status), an error message appears.
- Allow Resource To Select Session
(No learning budgets only) If you select this option, do not select a session.
If you select this option, the activity is assigned with a status of Needs Registration. The employee can register for a session that is convenient.
- Required
The activity is required by default. Clear this check box if the activity is not required.
- Priority
Type a priority number for the activity. This is informational only.
- Request Origin
(Learning budgets only) Select the origin of the request.
- Comments
Provide additional comments as needed.
Click OK.
If your organization uses learning budgets, the status is Activity Requested. The learning manager must approve the activity.
If your organization does not use learning budgets, the system automatically registers the mentee for the requested session (if one was selected and there is availability). The status is then Confirmed Registration or Wait Listed. If the system cannot register or wait list the mentee for the selected session, the status is Needs Registration.