Managing staff absences
Use this procedure to access all requests for Time Off and Leave Of Absences for your direct reports.
Select Manage Absences > Staff Absences.
The Plans tab contains these items:
- Available – This is the balance currently held on the Resource Plan. It is current as of the last time the Process Plans cycle was completed. An alert on the Available balance indicates that Carryover exists.
- % of Available Limit – This value shows how close the Employee’s Available balance is to reaching the limit that they can hold in the plan, if a limit applies.
- Pending + Approved – All Requested Time Off plus all Approved Time Off Requests that have not yet been processed.
- Available For Request – This is calculated as Available - (Pending + Approved)
Open a record to see more balances for the plan.
For example, the total of their Pending + Approved requests, and the Available To Request balance.