Working with the employee profile

The employee profile contains all of the information that you are allowed to see about your employee. This is the only place from which you can take personnel actions (Change Name, Promote, Transfer, Terminate, Change Name).

  1. Select My Staff > My Staff.
  2. Locate the employee and click the View Full Profile link on the Profile dashboard.

Click the appropriate tab to view this information.

Tab Description
At A Glance

To view summary information about the employee, including:

  • Primary contact and position information (work email, work telephone, employment ID, primary work assignment title, location, organization unit, pay rate, and percent fit.

  • Dates and years of service.

  • General information (country, relationship to organization, relationship status, work type, remote work status, legacy employment number.

  • Travel, relocation, overtime, and international assignment preferences.

  • Position preferences

  • Other preferences

  • Grant Management information

    Note: This information displays only if your organization interfaces with Infor Lawson Grant Management and is configured to display these fields.
Work Assignments

To view the employee's work assignment, Legacy Employment Contracts, and leave of absence information. For more information, see:

Personal Information

To view and update the employee's contacts, emergency contacts, and addresses. You can also track company property assigned to the employee on this tab. For more information, see:


To view the employee's detailed current and historical compensation. Access the compensation profile from this tab to request a special incentive for the employee. You can also change the employee's pay rate from this tab (and from the profile's Actions bar). For more information, see:

Process bonus objectives and salary awards under Adjust Compensation.

Work Preferences To view or update the employee's preferences in terms of locations, work schedules, and categories.
Performance To view the employee's current and historical appraisals. You can open an appraisal from this tab and take the same actions as from the Review Performance area. Completing manager appraisals
Talent profile

To view or update the employee's qualifications. For more information, see:

Fit Analysis

To calculate a percent fit for the resource's primary position or to model a percent fit for another position.

Note: These actions can also be performed from the employee's development plan (Develop Employees > Development Plans).

Calculating employees' percent fit for their current position

Modeling an employee's percent fit for another position


To view the employee's pending, active, inactive, and historical goals. You can take the same actions on individual employee goals from this tab as from the Manage Goals area.

For more information, see:


To view the employee's active and historical development and personal activities. You can take the same actions on this tab as on the employee's development plan (Develop Employees > Development Plans). For more information, see:


To view the employee's active and historical checklists. You can take the same actions from this tab as from Develop Employees > Checklists. This tab is also available on the employee's development plan. For more information, see:

You can also take the same actions on checklist components from this tab as from To Do > Development Tasks.

On Board

Displays only if your organization is configured to interface with Infor HR Service Delivery and an Onboarding Tour is in progress for your direct report.

Use to monitor the progress of the onboarding tour (number of steps and percentage completed). To view the onboarding tour detail, you must access Infor HR Service Delivery directly.

In Infor OS Portal or Infor Ming.le, click HR, then select Onboarding > Manager Console.


To view the employee's mentors. This tab is also available on the employee's development plan. You can unassign a mentor and assign a new one from this form.

To view and manage mentors for all your employees, access Develop Employees > Mentors.

Personal development Hours To view your employee's personal development hours, if applicable. You can also access this information from the employees development plan. Viewing personal development hours
Take Notes To view your notes on the employee and the employee's public notes. You can add a note on this tab and by clicking Take Notes directly in your Manager space. Adding a manager note

You can take these personnel actions from the profile's Actions bar:

Action Reference
Change Name Changing the name or marital status of an employee
Add Address Changing the name or marital status of an employee
Change Pay Rate Requesting pay rate changes
Promote Requesting promotions
Resignation Initiating resignations (manager)
Transfer Requesting transfers
Terminate Requesting terminations
Change Relationship To organization

Available under the All Actions Menu (downwards double arrow)

Requesting changes of resource relationship to organizations