Requesting an organization unit branch budget

Planning Level = Organization Unit Branch

  1. Select Manager > Position Monitoring > Budgets.
  2. Select the position plan for which to request a budget, and click Request A New Budget.
  3. Specify this information:
    Budget Reason

    Select a reason for defining the budget. Budget reasons are defined by the administrator.


    Specify comments about the budget request.

    Budget Date

    Specify the budget start date. It must be within the date range of the position plan.

    Organization Unit Branch

    Select the organization unit branch for which to define a budget. This is the parent organization unit. The budget applies to this organization unit and its children organization units.


    You can define multiple budgets for the same organization unit branch, but with different start dates. When a budget action includes any organization unit in the organization unit branch, the effective date of the Hire action determines which budget to apply.


    If the position plan budgets by FTE, then specify the budgeted FTE for the job.


    If the position plan budgets by headcount, then specify the budgeted headcount for the job.


    If the position plan budgets by salary, then specify the budgeted salary for the job and the currency in which the salary is expressed.

    When you save the budget, the salary amount is converted to the position plan currency.

  4. Click Submit to submit the budget for approval to the Position Budget Approver.
  5. From their Inbasket, the Position Budget Approver updates, approves, or rejects the request.

    The budget is displayed only after it has been approved.

  6. You can modify the process flow to route the request to other users as needed.