Your To Do tasks

This table shows the tasks that managers can perform on the To Do menu:

Menu item Definition Reference

Performance Appraisals

View active performance appraisals.

Same view in Review Performance > Appraisals By Resource without the Historical.

Creating performance appraisals (manager)
Transition Tasks Monitor the status of transition tasks for candidates that are hired or rehired.

Monitor all transition tasks for employees that are transferred, promoted, changed the work assignment, terminated, and resigned.

Viewing transition tasks

Validate Qualifications View and validate all the skills, competencies, credentials, and education attainments that require validation. Validating non-checklist talent attributes
Qualification Requests View all the requests that are submitted for renewing skills or credentials, changing the proficiency level of skills or competencies, and completing an education attainment.

Validating non-checklist talent attributes

Renewing skills and credentials

Updating competency and skill proficiencies

Completing education attainments

Development Tasks View active personal activities, activities, and checklist components of direct reports.

Development tasks that are pending for manager's action is listed on My Actions. All Actions shows all active tasks that are in progress.

Monitoring your Development Tasks list

Performance Appraisals

View active performance appraisals.

This is the same view in Review Performance > Appraisals By Resource, minus the Historical tab.

Creating performance appraisals (manager)