Waiving checklist components
Waiving a checklist component lets you complete a checklist even if the employee does not complete all the checklist components.
The same rules apply to the
and actions. If you have permission to validate a checklist component, you can also waive it. If you do not have permission to validate a checklist component, you cannot waive it. Therefore, you can waive checklist components for your employees only under these conditions:-
Managers can validate the component, or it must be an activity.
If the checklist component definition requires managers to have the skill or proficiency that they are validating, you must have the competency or skill that you are waiving. In the case of a skill, it cannot be expired.
To find out whether you can waive a checklist component, open it and check the Validation section.
You will see all your direct reports' checklist components, whether or not you can waive them.
You can also open the checklist on Develop Employees > Checklists or Develop Employees > Development Plans > Checklists tab or My Staff > View Full Profile.
To waive a checklist component