Using Talent Manager
With Talent Manager, you can use the Manager application from an iPhone or an iPad. It is available through the App Store, and is a free download. You can view resources through My Staff, including employee information such as dates of service, work assignments, compensation data, and performance history. You can also access the Directory, which provides contact information and an abbreviated profile for employees. In addition, if you are using Talent Manager on an iPad, you can view the entire organization structure.
In order to use Talent Manager, after downloading the application and agreeing to the license agreement, you must specify this information:
The username and password that you use for Talent Manager is the same as you use for accessing HR Talent through Infor Rich Client or the applet.
Only the DirectSupervisor role is granted access to Talent Manager via the MobileManagerWebAppAccess security class.
Differences between iPhone and iPad functionality
There are several differences between the Talent Manager functionality that is available on an iPhone versus on an iPad.
Because there is more space on the iPad screen, the My Staff display is larger, and can be expanded to view multiple levels if, for example, one of your direct reports is also a manager and has direct reports of his or her own.
The profile for each employee contains more information, such as including the At A Glance tab, and provides more details on each of the other tabs when compared to the iPhone.
You can perform several actions for an employee from the iPad, including Submit All Goals, Suggest a New Goal, Designate As Mentor, and Remove A Mentor. The actions are not available from the iPhone.
You can update much of the data for an employee from the iPad, with the exception of compensation data which is view-only. This includes adding and modifying goals. On the iPhone, all data is view-only.
You can view performance history details from the iPad, and can also view the most recent performance report in .PDF format (via Notifications). The iPhone provides only the most recent performance rating.
A Take Notes tab available within an employee's profile from the iPad. Use this tab to record information related to the employee that is not included elsewhere on the employee profile. You can view attachments to a note from the iPad, but can't place an attachment on a note.
In addition to the My Staff and Directory features, Talent Manager on the iPad includes the Organization feature with which you can view the structure of the entire organization. Note that you can expand groups throughout the organization, but can only see detailed employee profiles for your own direct reports. The information for other employees in the organization is less detailed, containing only public information. This also applies to employee data displayed in the Directory.