Adding addresses
If your organization uses email automation, you may receive an email notification when an employee's address is changed or a new address is added.
- Select Manager > My Staff, and click the employee for whom to request an address change.
- On the Profile panel, click the View Full Profile link.
- Click the Personal Information tab.
On the Addresses panel, select Add
Address or Add.
If the action is Add Address, it means that the address will be routed for approval. If the button is Add, no approval is needed.
Specify the address information.
If your organization requires approval or uses email notifications, you can also attach a supporting document. If email notifications are used, the document will be attached to the emails.
You can select whether mail should be sent to this address and whether the employee lives at this address. Only one of the employee's addresses can be flagged as the employee's mailing address or home address.
Click OK.
If your organization does not require approval for an address addition, the address is added immediately to the employee's profile throughout Infor HR Talent. If your organization uses email notifications, an automatic email will be sent to the employees configured by your organization to receive notification of this action.
If your organization requires approval for an address addition, the address is not added immediately. You can view the request on the Pending Address Requests panel, which is displayed only if pending address requests exist.